Christmas Update

From Rachelle, our Thozin Children’s Village Administrator:
For the Christmas party, the children and the staff had a good time. Pasteur Maniol started with the prayer, Peter was the host of the program, Nadège had sung the National anthem of the Republic after I had made the remarks of welcome, thanks to the American Staffs for having given the financial means for the success of this beautiful celebration, I had thanked all the employees of Thozin and Ikondo for their work during the year, thanks to the Staffs of Guerdine for the preparation of the food. Jean Rony also gave thanks, the children of Faustin’s family danced to beautiful music, Lisemene and the children of Thozin also danced to another music. Lapaix and I distributed the gifts all the employees were very happy because all received a gift, they asked me to say a big thank you to the American Staffs from them. After that was the separation of food and everyone were delighted. It was a very successful day and everything ended with prayer.

From Natacha, our Jacmel Children’s Village Administrator:
To celebrate the Christmas party, we had cookers, caregivers and kids preparing food together. And some of them with Admin staff had helped with decoration. We celebrated the Christmas party in the community kitchen. All kids were cute and they were happy yo celebrate together. Some of them sang, some danced during the program. We all prayed together, we ate and enjoyed that moment. We shared Christmas gifts to every kids and they felt happy. Kids were very happy and they enjoyed the activities. And as we used to do to celebrate some events, and Christmas stays as one of the biggest celebration that we so in the campus. And even kids who are placed in family were able to come to celebrate with us. Kids really enjoyed foods, cakes and everything.