Sadness, Honor, and Respect: Tears Fall on Our Soil

Sadness, honor, and respect as tears fall on our soil. The ongoing conflict in Haiti has profoundly affected us, with Thursday night’s tragic news underscoring the brutal reality many face. Judes Montis, a long-standing Haitian Director for Missions, and Davy and Natalie Lloyd, the founders’ son and daughter-in-law, fell victim to gang violence. Instead of dwelling on the gruesome details, we choose to honor their lives and sacrifices.


Honoring the Lloyds

The Lloyds, amidst government warnings and persistent gunfire, stood resolute in their faith in Jesus and solidarity with their Haitian brothers and sisters. Their ultimate sacrifice has elevated them to the status of martyrs for both their faith and Haiti’s struggle. Their courage and commitment to serving others in the face of danger serve as a powerful testament to their character and convictions.

Glimpse the heart of the Lloyd family and their dedication to loving their neighbors well. Read more about their mission.


Remembering Judes Montis

Judes Montis, like many other leaders in Haiti, dedicated his life to loving, serving, and caring for his community. Unlike many of us who can come and go with our US passports, millions of Haitians are trapped in a life-or-death struggle. The expansion of gang violence towards the West now threatens Grand Goave, a community dear to our hearts. We are making the necessary plans in case an emergency evacuation is needed, but pray it doesn’t come to that.


A Community Psalm & Prayer

In these trying times, we turn to our faith for solace and strength. Psalm 91:14-16 offers a powerful reminder of God’s promise: “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

Let us pray together: My God, you are with Haiti in trouble. Hear our cry, be Haiti’s refuge and fortress. Extend comfort, peace, and refuge to those who need it now more than ever.

In the face of this adversity, we stand united in prayer and action. To stay updated and join us in ongoing prayer for Haiti, sign up for our weekly text messages here.

Our hearts are heavy, but our resolve is firm. We honor the lives of Judes Montis, Davy, and Natalie Lloyd, and we continue to support and pray for Haiti in these unsettling times.