Rooted and Built Up in Him

July 2020

Lespwa fe Viv – Hope is Alive

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Colossians 2:6-7 
As this year goes on, we are continuing to learn more about hope. As an organization, we are committed to keeping thankfulness at the center of what we do. This month has been filled with us stepping into new things, which causes us to look back at what has been. We have seen hope take root in heartbreak time and time again, and breathe new life, full of possibilities.

This month, we are sharing stories of hope and growth.

A  Community Ambassador Spotlight!

Lori & David (on the right) & their children Alex & Nicolette – Ventura, California

“I decided I would try and write a little bit about my journey with Hands and Feet Project (HAFP) and I took off on my morning walk to think about it.  I kid you not, the first song that came on was Kings and Queens!  Tears for Haiti, for missing Haiti, tears of frustration that we have been kept from getting back, but most of all tears of thankfulness that HAFP has trained up amazing, dedicated people in Haiti and stateside to care for and run HAFP even during times like this!

My love for Haiti and HAFP began with a nudging first by the Holy Spirit and second by my daughter (they both can be very persuasive).  The church we were attending had connections with HAFP and Mark Stuart came and talked one Sunday.  My heart was being tugged and then my daughter said she wanted to go.  Well, that led to my husband saying you guys are not going without me and of course my son wouldn’t be left home.  We had no idea how we were going to afford the cost of a family of four!  After months of fundraising, we ended up with $50 over our goal!  We were headed to Haiti!

My heart was grabbed the first week I spent there with my family and with the kids at HAFP.  We played hard, worshipped together, did some building projects, and most importantly started building relationships.  I knew then that I wanted this to be a part of our lives and not just a one-time trip.  I began leading trips and passing the word back then about sponsorships and support.  Not just to raise funds, but to bring awareness of an organization that was bringing life and direction to a generation of beautiful, talented, and amazing kids.

Since that first trip, our whole family has been twice. Between trips I have led, and trips I have jumped into, I have been blessed to make the journey to HAFP 10+ times.  Bringing many different groups including high school kids, families, a group of all women, and some groups with random amazing mixes of people has added to the amazing journey.  I have met so many amazing people on these trips and just love their hearts of service.  When we start heading to Haiti it now feels like we are going to see family.  The relationships we have built over the years are just precious!  We feel as if we are just checking in, bringing some fun, and touching base with ones we love.  When it is time to leave, and we have to head home, I feel the same way I do when I have to leave my kids here at home.  A sadness in my heart, but a hope for the future and expectation of the next visit.

Over the years I have watched how HAFP has grown, changed, improved and I am so moved by how they care for and empower the people and kids in Haiti to push to their potential!  I always tell people that this generation of kids growing up in faith and encouragement are going to be the change agent for Haiti!

To those of you I know, and to those of you I don’t, I pray you are healthy and will join me in praying for our precious family at HAFP and all those involved in keeping it going (they are family too!).  If you have never sponsored a child or a missionary, I encourage you to do that as well!  It is so fun and such a blessing to watch them grow and change and step into their identity in Christ!”

– Lori Jacques

Learn About Being A Community Ambassador!

Meet “Pastor Odlin”! 

Odlin is one of the young men supported in our Transition Care and Support Program. He is 19 years old and wise beyond his years! He is in the 11th grade, studying at a local school; Odlin one day dreams of becoming a Civil Engineer.  In the meantime, like most of Haiti’s teenagers, he loves playing soccer and spending time with friends.  He also works part-time at Haiti Made, designing and creating some amazing products. (Click here to shop Haiti Made!)

The Haiti Made team starts each work day with a prayer and Sova, the Haiti Made manager, says the first time Odlin prayed for the staff, something was different. From that moment on, Odlin was given the nickname, “Pastor Odlin.” He loves working on the development of the products and learning the craft behind the entire production process. Odlin has a willing, humble heart, ready to serve in whatever way he is asked! We are incredibly proud of the man he has grown to be and we are excited to walk with him as he continues his journey into adulthood!

If you’re interested in learning more about sponsoring a child, click the button below.
