A Message from our Daycare Administrator

I thank the sponsors for their prayers and donations to our Little Hands Daycare Classrooms. In this space, they find love, affection, and security. From the spiritual point of view, we are grateful for your help because the children can hear about Christ within the classrooms. Even if they are small, we believe He will remain in their memory for some time.
From the educational point of view, they are learning things about their age, little songs, and their colors, and they are learning to count. From a nutritional point of view, the situation in Haiti is very critical. The children suffer from the lack of food. With a rich diet in the classroom, we can feed 28 children daily.
When they arrived, several children in our classrooms were thin. Their skin was exposed to the sun because they played in it with their big brothers or sisters all day when leaving them together. Seeing their skin and physique now, they are very different, more radiant, and beautiful because now they are no longer left in the yard of a house or with a neighbor while the parents are at work.
I ask that you pray for our staff that God will continue to give us patience and knowledge to always serve the little ones in our care well. Pray that we constantly instill in the children and their parents, as Proverbs 22:6 instructs, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Know that as a sponsor, your money and time are not for nothing. The children are learning, being fed, and being taught the Gospel. Pray for the parents that they will know the peace and comfort the Lord provides.