Behind Every Name: Rediscovering the Heart of Helping Families in Crisis

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Today, my work feed was full of assessments from our social workers. As I read each plea for help, I found myself skimming over the details. Their full names, children’s ages, and the unique stories behind each family reaching out to Hands & Feet Project began to blur. It felt more efficient to focus on the need itself and logically decide quickly if we could help.

A Moment of Realization

When did I become so detached from the people behind the stories and numb to the personal depth of despair?

A Prayer for Forgiveness

Forgive me.

These aren’t just numbers or names—they are tragic accounts of families living their hardest moments. I had to pause, take a deep breath, and reset my heart. I went back to each family, this time paying close attention to their names, their struggles, and their stories. I prayed for every individual—a mother, father, grandparent, child, or baby—lifting each one up in prayer. That, at the very least, I can do. Call on God to intervene, to comfort, to protect.

10 New Families in Need

Today alone, we added 10 of these displaced families in Grand Goâve into our Stronger Together program. They come from gang-ridden areas, separated from each other, desperate for safety and shelter.

Among them are:

  • Fanmi Esther Sideney Jean Louis
  • Fanmi Aldonis Sandra Denis
  • Fanmi Marie Josée Derameau
  • Fanmi Deniscard Jacqueline
  • Fanmi Marie Eveline Goineau
  • Fanmi Josette Didier
  • Fanmi Jean Marie Marthe
  • Fanmi Edmé Francillon
  • Fanmi Chantaire Rosena
  • Fanmi Myrlande Fabriné Fortuné

(Fanmi is Creole for “family.”)

These Are Not Just Names

These are not just names. These are real families in crisis. And it’s in moments like these that I am reminded of how helping our neighbor was so central to Jesus’ mission. In Matthew 25:35-36, 40, He says:

 “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me … Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” 

Living Christ’s Mission

To be close to Christ is to be close to the poor and the suffering. As a family sponsor and supporter of the Hands & Feet Project, you are helping with the immediate needs of food, shelter, and safety.

Thank You for Standing with Us

Thank you for standing with us and with the families of Haiti. Let’s continue to respond in love, with our prayers, actions, and support.

In the fight,

Andrea McGinniss, Executive Director

Become a Family Sponsor

If you’re not already a family sponsor, now is the perfect time to join us! Receive a monthly update on the families you help support and see firsthand how your contribution helps keep families together.

Become a family sponsor!