Provided below are strict guidelines to be adhered to by all guests of Hands and Feet Project (HAFP). Recognizing and accepting the following guidelines will enhance the effectiveness and safety of your short-term mission trip. Please read the following information THOROUGHLY before agreeing to the terms listed below.
- I commit to praying daily for my trip.
- I will also ask friends, family, and my church to commit my trip to prayer.
- I will read all HAFP pre-trip materials and incorporate the provided devotionals into my spiritual preparation.
- I recognize that all funds donated/paid toward my trip are non-refundable/non-transferable. In the unfortunate event I am unable to attend this trip, I will notify HAFP immediately.
- I understand that I am responsible for the entire cost of my project fee and if for any reason I am unable to attend the trip all funds contributed toward my trip will be moved to the current greatest need.
- I agree to take an active role in my support raising and take personal responsibility if I do not raise all my support. I can raise support through asking for financial support from friends and family, personal finances, and through fundraising drives.
- I recognize that the Hands and Feet Project has set deadlines for documents and finances and I will submit all required documents/finances on time to HAFP to prevent any delay in finalizing the trip process.
Respect for the country and people of Haiti:
- I will refrain from giving or promising any gifts, such as money, clothes, jewelry, electronics, etc. to any of the locals, staff, or children. If I feel compelled to give a gift to someone I have met, I will consult first with the missionaries of HAFP, and I agree to let him or her make the final decision on the matter.
- All of my photo images of the children and staff at Hands and Feet Project will be used as a personal record of my trip experience. I agree not to use them for any promotional, commercial, or other purpose without written permission from a Director at Hands and Feet Project.
- When off-site of HAFP campuses, I will be discreet when taking pictures, remembering that I am a guest in another country and I am not there to observe and document poverty.
- All photos of children and staff HAFP should only be taken after I have built a relationship with the individual. If that individual does not wish to have their photo taken, I agree to respect their wishes.
- I will not request or gather personal contact information from the locals or Hands and Feet Project staff. I will not provide my personal contact information to the locals or staff, if requested.
Your short-term mission team and HAFP:
- I understand that our work is an opportunity to witness the mission that Hands and Feet Project is trying to accomplish and will respect the advice I am given concerning attire, eating and drinking, and other such traditions, which will help me to assimilate into the local community.
- I recognize that Hands and Feet Project has a long-term commitment to the local community and I promise not to be overly demanding, to do my best not to offend or cause embarrassment for the local mission host, and to do my best to help them attain their long-term goals.
- I will go as a servant-disciple of Jesus Christ and will adopt that attitude when dealing with my fellow team members and the people I meet during the trip.
- I understand that travel can be difficult and I promise to adopt a flexible attitude and be supportive, as plans may need to be changed. I accept and submit to the leadership of the missionary staff and promise to abide by his or her decisions as they concern this trip.
- If a loved one or dear friend is traveling with me, we agree to interact with all members of the team, not just one another. I promise not to initiate or seek new romantic relationship with team members, Hands and Feet Project Staff, or locals, during the trip.
Personal behavior:
- I accept that I may not have the same conveniences I am used to at home. I will be flexible and willing to adjust to the expectations of my host.
- I will adopt an attitude that I am on this team to try to understand the host culture, not to try to convince them of my own viewpoint or style. I acknowledge that there are many different ways to accomplish the same objective and that my way may not be the best.
- I will abstain from making derogatory comments or arguments regarding people, politics, sports, religion, race, or traditions.
- I will abstain from using tobacco or alcoholic beverages while in the host country and during all travels, including flights to and from our host country. I will abstain from any illegal drugs or prohibited activity while on this trip.
- I acknowledge that by engaging in this journey, I am subjecting myself to certain risks voluntarily, including and in addition to those risks that I normally face in my personal and business life. These risks may include, but are not limited to such things as health hazards due to poor food and water, diseases, pests, and poor sanitation, potential danger from lack of control over local population, potential injury while working, and inadequate medical facilities.
- I agree that in the event my conduct is considered so unsatisfactory that it jeopardizes the success of the trip, and that mediation during the trip has failed to correct my behavior, that my services in connection with this mission trip shall end and I shall return home immediately at my own expense.
By submitting a registration for a trip, you are stating that you accept the above conditions, and will be responsible for your own actions during the entire length of the trip and trip planning process.
$950 Per Person
*Specialty Trips will vary in cost, contact the Trip Administrator for specific details.
Hands and Feet Project (HAFP) will reserve airfare for groups of 15 or more, all other travelers will be responsible for booking their own airfare BASED ON THE FLIGHT TIMES DESIGNATED BY HAFP. Group flights reserved by HAFP will not be booked until all funds have been submitted to the Hands and Feet Project office.
A $150, non-refundable, non-transferable payment can hold a spot on an available trip. This payment is due upon registration.
A non-refundable, non-transferable flight deposit of $800 per traveler is due no later than four months (120 days) prior to the trip departure date (OR upon registration if registering within four months of the trip departure date). If the payment is not made by the required date the held spot will be open to the public for other reservations.
A non-refundable, non-transferable trip deposit of $400 per traveler is due no later than four months (120 days) prior to the trip departure date (OR upon registration if registering within four months of the trip departure date). If the payment is not made by the required date the held spot will be open to the public for other reservations.
A non-refundable, non-transferable final trip payment per traveler is due no later than two months (60 days) prior to the trip departure date. The final trip payment includes the total of all Hands and Feet Project trip costs, round-trip airfare (if applicable), remaining project fee, less all deposits received.
The IKONDO Guest Village has a limited number of private suites available. Suites are booked on a first-come, first-served basis and may require an additional premium. Please contact our Trip Administrator for questions about booking a private suite for your stay.
*Please note all travel fees are estimates and are subject to change
HAFP requires a minimum of 12 guests to keep a week scheduled, individuals and groups less than 12 may register for any week, but, if no additional volunteers sign up for that specific week then the trip will be canceled by HAFP. Any funds contributed for that specific week are subject to the HAFP cancellation policy (see below). Any airfare/lodging penalties to change flights/hotel accommodations are the responsibility of each individual traveler not HAFP.
Where the money goes:

Trip costs vary, dependent on the number of travelers. The above pie chart is an estimate, based on 195 guests annually.
Each guest will be assigned a Reference Number. This number must be used in all correspondence. Once registration is complete, guests will be provided a fundraising page through Managed Missions. Please note this fundraising platform is different than other fundraising platforms you may be familiar with (Go Fund Me, etc.).
All funds contributed through your page come directly to Hands and Feet Project. These funds are non-refundable, non-transferable, and NOT accessible by you for cash. This is in order to keep the donation tax-deductible for your donors. Any funds over your total due will be considered a general donation to HAFP.
Payments may be made by check to Hands and Feet Project. When paying by check, please include a separate note with the assigned reference number and name of traveler the funds are being designated toward (example: CW15 John Smith). If these instructions are not followed, we cannot guarantee funds will be designated to your trip. It is very important that all items be accurately completed for the funds to be designated appropriately.
HAFP reserves the right to cancel your trip. If your trip is canceled by HAFP, the following, in addition to any other information outlined in HAFP Financial Policies apply to all funds submitted:
- Funds can be held for 12 months from the original date of departure.
- Funds are non-transferable (meaning, the original traveler must be the one to use them; they cannot be transferred to a family/friend).
- If a guest prefers not to reschedule, all funds contributed will be immediately moved to a donation contributing to the current greatest need.
- If a guest does not travel within 12 months, all funds contributed will be moved to a donation contributing to the current greatest need.
- If HAFP has issued your airfare, the traveler will receive a travel credit from the airline; this credit is available for their personal use or to be applied to their rescheduled trip date. Airline vouchers are subject to change fees up to $250. All change/re-ticketing fees are the responsibility of the traveler and are subject to airline policies.
**Although HAFP will make every effort to honor the contribution designation of the donor, contributions become the property of Hands and Feet Project, and HAFP has the discretion to determine how best to use contributions. Such control of the funds by HAFP is required to ensure that they will be used to carry out its functions and purposes, and to ensure donor’s contributions satisfy requirements for tax-deductibility.**
By submitting a registration for a trip, you are stating acceptance of the above financial policies.