Meet the Helda Family

The Helda family faced immense vulnerability and struggled to care for their children and provide them with access to education and adequate medical support.
Djenicka had been using a wheelchair that was too big for her and was broken. We had the privilege of delivering Djenicka, the eldest, a much-needed wheelchair. The family was very appreciative and eager to learn how the new chair worked. Our Haiti Resource & Support Assistant, Michelle, and Our Social Worker, Charm, explained how to use it and answered Elda’s questions.
During further conversation, the family’s warmth and resilience shone through every response they gave. The family loves to joke around with each other, play, and sing together.
Through our Circle of Care approach, we provide comprehensive care in order to meet every aspect of the family’s needs. Emotionally, they are a happy family and enjoy one another. Educationally, we support Woody, the youngest child, who is doing well in school. Physically, we provide Djenicka health support. Spiritually, one of our pastors, Pastor Manyol, comes and has devotion with the family every Monday.
This family demonstrates courage in how they fight for a better life. Elda, the mother, began selling food products in May of this year. Our social worker, Charm, has helped her through this process and told us that Elda wishes to be financially independent one day. She also told us that what she most appreciates about Hands & Feet Project is that they always seem willing to help those who genuinely need it. We hope to preserve and strengthen more families like these.