Finding Hope Through Hardship: Lucane’s Story

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Lucane, a devoted single mother, faced a difficult period in her life after losing her home. With her one-year-old son by her side, she found herself without a roof over their heads. In this challenging time, Hands & Feet Project was able to step in and offer the support she needed. Through our Stronger Together program, Lucane secured the funds to pay her rent, providing a safe haven for her and her child.

A New Beginning with a Small Business

Determined to provide for her son’s basic needs, Lucane took a financial risk. She borrowed ten thousand gourdes from a private lender, despite the high interest rate of 10%. Fully aware of the need to manage these funds carefully, she divided the loan into two parts. Half went to purchasing groceries to feed her small family, while the other half was invested in an endeavor that could generate income.

A year ago, Lucane had learned how to make liquid soap from a friend. Remembering this skill, she decided to use it to start a small business. With her limited resources, she produced 8 gallons of liquid soap, hoping to attract a loyal customer base.

While her small business has brought in some income, it remains a challenge for Lucane to meet all her family’s needs. Yet, her courage and determination to improve their situation continue to motivate her. She remains hopeful that, with time, her business will prosper, allowing her to fully provide for her son.

A Journey of Perseverance

We are deeply grateful and humbled by stories like Lucane’s—a story of a mother determined to become self-reliant and take care of her family’s needs. Lucane’s commitment to pouring into her local economy while providing for her family is inspiring. We know that jobs and income are at the heart of preventing child abandonment, neglect, and the separation of families.

This is why we are driven to stand alongside families like Lucane’s, helping to create sustainable solutions and opportunities. We are dedicated to building a future where families can stay together, thrive, and create a legacy of hope and resilience.

You can be a part of this solution.

By sponsoring a family or purchasing from Haiti Made, you help empower families like the Lucanes. Together, we can provide jobs, support local economies, and keep families united.