Exploring the Needs of a New Community in Haiti

Familiar Sights and New Challenges
Stepping foot in Haiti once more felt deeply reassuring. The overwhelming heat of the Haitian summer, the passionate Kreyol conversations heard all around, the chatter of goats and chickens, the variety of honking horns—even the sights and smells of burning trash—were all comfortingly familiar. Yet, we couldn’t help but miss the faces and places we had come to know and love so well. We found ourselves surrounded by new sights, people, and challenges.
Hands & Feet Project’s Mission
The Hands & Feet Project had the privilege of being invited to explore the needs of a new community and discern how we might be able to effectively step in to meet those needs. While our organization has been deeply involved in other regions of Haiti, the North Department represents a new mission field for us. To better understand, we sent a small team to meet with government representatives of agencies focused on protecting vulnerable children. We also engaged with other local organizations and spent time walking the streets to get a better sense of the community.
Community Needs and Collaborative Efforts
The authorities clearly communicated the nuanced issues specifically facing Cap Haitien and their willingness to collaborate with Hands & Feet Project in addressing them. The pressing issues reported were the displacement of children and families due to gang activity in Port-au-Prince, the deportation of children from the Dominican Republic and the United States without any transitional community support structure, and the high rate of children living unprotected on the streets.
Guided by Faith
Hebrews 10:38-39 was our guiding scripture for the week: “My righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him.” But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.
Seeking Divine Guidance
We are praying through which of our programming will best address these issues and if God is leading us to expand our mission to this new community. Lord, thank you for Your mission in the world. Here we are. Fill us with your Spirit. Send us!
Andrea McGinniss, Executive Director